Udstilling Gjern D. 25-03-2006

Dommer: A. R. R. Doedijns, NL
Mellemklasse hanner. Ring 2, Kat nr. 168

Litchi Chow FengShui

Up to size, strong in bone and substance, could have stronger ears and carriage, but typical in expression, dark eyes with good scowling, good bite, correct in pigmentation, could have stronger topline - very good front and feet, very good tailset and carriage, very good coatcondition, free and active on the move, well presented.

1 Pr. 2 PL.

Udstilling Gjern D. 25-03-2006

Dommer: A. R. R. Doedijns, NL
Unghundeklasse hanner. Ring 2, Kat nr. 166

Litchi Chow Jackpot

Good size, sufficien bone and substance, masculine head, pigmentation is matching the coatcolor, good bite, nice eyes, good earset and carriage - it is a pity that under his jaw at his front, he is completely wet, it is a beauty competition and it spoils the outline, very good tailset and carriage, very good coatquality, free and active mover.

2 Pr.
